Is time on our side ?
Hello, I thought to start off this space with a little presentation i did on time management for a number of audiences. These groups were varied from business types, students and long-term unemployed. I was encouraged by the response from all groups and a greater realisation emerged that time was perhaps the only dimension left that really limited human capability.
I mean, we are now talking nano and even pico second technology, but how come we struggle to get to work or the movies on time, without artery busting stress loads?
What emerged from these sessions was some interesting ideas and notions. It appears that we have never had more disposable time and yet complain about it being lacking- how can this be? Looking back in time, we discover that people in say, the Victorian times, worked on average 82 hours per week and the week was 168 hours long then as it is now!
Or is it a case that we have also never had more `opportunities` as we do now? I think so and I also like to call these choices, because often they are promoted to us as `opportunities`, but really they are just plain choices.
So I came up with the idea that what i needed in order to navigate through these choices in my various quests in life, was a set of priorities or values that would perform the roles of filter and also rudder. What they are is not important, as they vary from person to person, but i noticed that many around me (including myself at one time) were not so much value driven but impulse driven along an endless continuum of choices/opportunities.
Anyway, I started by writing an essay, to summarise my key learnings along the quest-one that has taken me also to amazing places and people on this beautiful Earth. I am interested to hear from my students and others that are also on quests to understand this vital dimension and how they navigate its cross currents to greater life satisfaction.
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