4 Sept 2006

Day 5 Saint Alban-sur-Limognoble-Aumont Aubrac 25th August

Stage 4

15.2 klms, 250 M

This one was tough on my back and the pain is getting sevre with each step. It was such a relief to finally get here. Went to the pharmacy in the village and was given anti-inflammotories- told to rest, but will try to push on.

Dinner is wonderful and we have a group table at `La Ferme du Barry`, which features a traditional dish called `Aligot` (a glutonous and delicious dish of melted Tome cheese, potato puree, butter, garlic).

After the painkillers and wine I am motivated to do some medieval pantomines,which the patrons of the resturant take in good humour.

There is much banter and good cheer amongst the group and everyone is saying that there is something special about this group of people.

The smile meter however is at 5/10 due to the pain.


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