Day 7 Nasbinals- St Chely d`Aubrac 27th August

Stage 6
15.9 Klms
Rain again,but beautiful endless plains. The group spirit is a comfort against the conditions, which are changeable in the mountains.
Earlier most of us visited the old church at Nasbinal and then i provided massages for all takers at the Sunday market next to the church.
Each town or village has an amazing church. Quite ethereal to just walk in from the heat or rain and sit there in quiet contemplation.
A local vendor seranades Raphaelle at Nasbinal.
We arrive in St Chely and finally find a place to eat. The local villagers are friendly but i find the restauranteurs a bit unhospitable. We go to empty places and are told that we need to book, etc. They seem to prefer tourists to pilgrims.
Anyway, we have a nice dinner and after dinner i ask the group to split into pairs, walk and talk for 15 minutes and then come back with an anecdote that best typifies the time together.
Raphaelle and Rene provide the best entertainment, by presenting a show that mimicks each member of the group. We do this in the main street under the lamplights and its very funny.
For me, the greatest insight is the forming of the group through the little sharing of food and support for each other.
Bert recounts that it is fear that makes us carry burdens more than we need to. He is very wise for his 20 years. He tells me that even though he is an experienced walker he wants to reduce his already light pack by half.
The next day, he leaves early and parts from the group to rejoin his father further afield. We are rapt to see his old straw hat strung on a fence post along the way. A symbol of detachment and abandonment!
Smile meter= 7/10
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