Day 11 Rest Day Conques 31 st August

The first rest day and finally the sun shines and is scorching on the stony roads. At a terrace cafe I say goodbye to Corinne who returns to Le Puy and Fred who goes onto Figeac, while I wait for Julie to arrive from Paris.
Its good to just sit there quietly in the vine covered terrace and look out on the valley below. Sparrows dogfighting everywhere and the sky is cloudless. Hmm bliss, and my back knows it!
Earlier I had escorted Fred out of the city and up the steep climb from the valley. I did this to test my back with my pack. It seems ok but feel I must continue with the anti-inflammatories.
Conques is a famous town, where Charlemagne was crowed and it features his treasures, along with the skull of St. Foy, a young girl martyred in 303 AD and said to be the inspiration for many miracles. Her remains are hidden in a statue of pure cold and encrusted with amazing jewels.
In the medieval courtyard at the side of the Cathedral, many young classical guitarists are practising and the valley rings with their notes. Later that night, they perform in the cathedral, which has excellent accoustics for such a performace.
Later that night, dinner in the Abbey and a repeat of the previous nights performance. Sleeping real well, but it hurts just to get up and stand in the mornings.
Smile meter 9/10
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