Day 2 Cajarc- Limoyne-Varaire (25.7klms)
On my own and enjoying the solitary walk, trying to decipher my French guide book. Having to deduce a few things, as some references are obscure and not covered in my dictionary. What on earth is a `murette`? All I know is that there should be two of them and later I discover that it is a small `mure` or wall. French have a quaint way of making something petite by adding the `ette` at the end.
It is quite a challenge to orientate whilst translating french into English. Each time I am nearly lost someone turns up to save the day.
I make it to Limoyne and decide to go the extra 8 klms in the 30+ heat when I meet Stephene from Le Puy. He is doing it the tough tradtional way by sleeping outside and cooking his own food. This is really a must if one is going all the way to Santiago, Spain. The budget can add up otherwise. Usually average around 30 Euros per day max.
Enjoying the simple solitude along with challenges of the body.Back is ok, but feet are feeling it. My cheap but supple hike boots are not great for rocky tracks or hard bitumen.
Smile meter is still 8/10
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