5 Sept 2006

Day 13 Livinhac le Haut- Figeac 2nd September

Stage 11

25.3klms, 400m

Some interesting hamlets and we seem to be doing some big loops, but its interesting. We manage the pace quite well and we are stopped in one hamlet by a little old grandmother,who just wants a chat. We get the story about her chickens, her fall, etc. and later find other hikers who have had the same chat.

Again a lot of walking on roads and its now the turn of my feet to rebel. We pass a beautiful old stone wall and a stone dome shaped shepards refuge.

The body feels very strong and the tempo is quicker. A sense of victory fills me- as if i have conquered myself, the weak body. Perseverance does win out in the end and this sort of challenge is a great learning experience.

Figeac is a wonderful place that reminds me of other French towns like Toulouse and Carcasonne in the South, but a lot smaller. So pretty, but without many tourists.

That night we find a place that offers exquisite meals for just 8 euros. Hard to go back to Paris with these prices.

A fitting place to end this adventure. If things allow me in Paris, i might return on this trip to continue, or next time for sure.


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