11 Sept 2007

Day 5 Cahor- Moncurq (31.5 klms) 4th August

Left Cahor with Jean Luc at 6 AM to avoid the heat which reached 35C. We maintained a good pace reaching our destination in 9 hours with short rests only. Little shade and unimpressive countryside.

Not many on the road today, perhaps because of the heat and we cool off at the chapel of St. Jean de Froid. We stay at a great gite- Le Soillou- run by a man who did the St Jacques before. These former pilgrims make the best hoteliers- very hospitable. He informs us that he has hosted 20 000 pilgrims since Feb- a bit hard to believe since the association of St Jacques puts the total number for all four roads in France at approx 25 000.

Still, I can`t complain as the `repas` is wonderful- soup, cantelope & proscuitto, confit du canard with fig sauce and rice followed by desert.

Julie arrived here from Paris. Somehow everything works out despite the lack of full planning.



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