Day 11 Laserre (10 klms from Condom) 10th Aug

On this road things of a Providential nature happen all the time, but on this occasion i was probably most grateful than ever. My energy levels were beginning to wane and the body was getting tired.
Just ten klms outside of Condom lies the magnificant oasis that is `Lasserre de Haut` a ``chambre d`Hotes`` (and `gite` or hostel). The story of the wonderful day and night spent there is best left to the pictures to tell, but i could not ever imagine such a place that came along at the right time.
The owner, a lady of Nimes living in Nantes, has restored the place with a keen eye for layout and art. Each viewing angle has been carefully thought out and planned- no surprise to learn that Madame is a photographer and someone of such taste that makes the world happy that the French played such a large part in civilising it.
Such a place I could easily ponder spending the rest of my days, just being, working the fields and writing of my various adventures.
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