5 Oct 2007

Day 7 Durfort-Moissac (11klms)

A short one, but the impressive Moissac greets us with the amazing St Peters cathedral. The ornate portal and tapenaum is a tribute to Medieval stone masonry at its finest. Carved into the stone on the right are scenes of imagined heaven and on the left horrific images of hell, with two naked forms with serpents attached to various parts of their bodies.

The cloister behind remains one of the most majestic in the world-the iconography and symbolism is intriguing and grand in the Cluny style.

Later I am reminded of how special this road is when we are reunited by friends I met earlier on the road. A great combined dinner ensues and its a sad farewell to Hugette, Florient and Nora. The great beer drinking nations are all represented here, with Germans, Austrians, Belges,Swiss and one Aussie. It is a great thing, this commeraderie.

Smile meter: 7/10


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