Day 8 Ostabat- Saint Jean-Pied-de-Port 21.5 klms
Despite the rain, all thoughts are focussed on making the destination of St. Jean-Pied-de-Port.
For me, it has taken three years and between two countries. I had visited the town in 2006 and decided then to do this hike. I had no idea if I could do such a thing, or indeed how long it would take me. The solution is one that all hikers and the wise know: `One step at a time`.
Such a venture is no race and I have met many along the road that were burdened unduly by their own expectations. There is fear about `measuring up`, about other comparisons of performance, all made useless by the vagaries of each passing day, of life in general. This is the fear of our modern times, in our search for perfection. Compare this with the pilgrim of the past, who had wars, pestilence, wolves and bears to contend with. However like then, we are embued by a spirit of perseverance; something to take back from the trail to our lives in general.
There are also many amazing stories that like the stones on the path, are laid deep by successive venturers over many centuries.
We finally make it to the gates of the town and there pose for a photo. I can`t believe that i have hiked some 800 klms to get here. It feels satisfying, but not as much as I thought, for there will be the next year to deal with and the next. This is an endless circuit for those of us enamourned by `Le Chemin` (The Way)
Until the next stage of the journey, `ULTREIA`(Rise up, go further)
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