Rest Day- Salvetat-sur-Agout 2nd August
We, or more appropriately, our bodies, decide to take a rest day. I sleep for 10 hours and feel the soreness throbbing, as it leaves me. My senses have become more acute, and during the night, I tasted the bitter `sulphites' (pesticide) in the local wine.The diet high in fibres/whole grains, beans, vegetables, and water, appears to be doing it's job. My palette is cleansed and I can smell the herbs, pines, and wild berries, along the track.
The day is spent at the local lake, where `normal' holiday-makers are swimming and boating. Usually, I refrain from such breaks from the ethos of this hike, but this time I am ok with it. I don't feel that any frontier or barrier has been crossed. I appreciate it for what it is- very restorative.
At night, the left-over pasta is eaten with some `poulet fermier'( free-range chicken), and we promenade like all the other villagers.
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