Day 6 Moncurq- Durfort (27klms)5th August
A tough one today especially for Julie`s first day and of course the pace of the group is fairly quick. Lots of climbs and descents Pass the beautiful town of Lauzerte- scene of many battles against all sorts of nations- I am reminded that against the convention of staunch French nationalism that this country is a conglomerate of so many.
The town is situated on top of a steep climb and so not an easy approach. The group is lagging in energy and i give each a massage. Florien (Austria), Jean Luc (Dax, France), Nora (Belgium), Hugette (Ardeche, Fr), Julie and myself- quite an interesting mix.
Julie and I stay at a farm in Durfort. It is very hot (37C)and i am feeling weary. Unfortunately the French breakfast is not ideal for long lasting energy and by midday i am very tired.