Day 14 Figeac- Paris Sunday 4th September

Well its a sad day despite the wonderful sunshine. The old canal with its boats; the market square with its cafes and the sparrows circling the cathedral spire. Time to head back to Paris by train later this afternoon, as projects require my urgent attention there.
We have a simple picnic on the bank of the canal and I can`t help but be nostalgic or Philosophic about `Le Chemin` (The Way). It is a part of me now and I am part of its history, like thousands before. I see the wonderful people i have met and the amazing places, some serene, some ethereal. It is an experience that encapsulates all dimensions of ourselves.
I understand why there are not many accounts about the experiential side of it. Its too hard to describe, too personal. I might endeavour to put something in writing one day soon, but I feel certain that I will not be able to describe it satisfactorily. Perhaps thats part of the myth of `Le Chemin`- it describes the way of life, but not in words. The words will be too simplistic to be taken as truths. Its something you have to experience for yourself.
But i must put something down here to end, so here are my highlights. I may add to each day`s log, as time goes and more things come to mind. I will also invite my fellow hikers/pilgrims to contribute their thoughts and photos- a collaboration, as it was on the road, as it should be in `Le Chemin`. There are some projects planned by some of us that came together. Inspirations that came along the way. But that remains for another time......
Le Chemin St. Jacques de Compostelle
Le Puy en Velay- St. Jean Pied de Porte
Highlights 21st August to 3rd Septembre 2006
Walked approximately 250 klms in 11 days
5 days without back pack due to back injury
Fantastic experience on many dimensions
Challenge of mind, body, spirit as well as culture/language.
Met many people from various cultural backgrounds- none of which matter when you share the road. Some could not even communicate through a common language, but somehow we managed through sharing universal values.
Many suffered from inexperience and physical ailments, notably feet (blisters, sores), knees (ligament), sore leg and back muscles, but most kept going.
Fear of unknown- we don`t need most of the stuff we think we need or told we need.
Somehow about 10 of us solo hikers formed into a special group that helped each other and others along the way
Spirit of sharing and support was profound in the group in terms of food, medicines, hardships, etc.
Perseverance is the key to success of each day
The life on the road is diverse and this makes it fulfilling of our daily life expectations
At the end of each day (no matter if it was good or bad) was a celebration of life (good company, food, wine)
Objective is not to finish at all costs but enjoy at all costs.
Le chemin est `Le Chemin` toujours!